David Jon Foster Studio

Bob James, Nathan East, Larry Carlton, Harvey Mason
Harvey Mason
Nathan East
Nathan East
Bob James
Larry Carlton & Harvey Mason
Larry Carlton
Bob James, Nathan East & Larry Carlton
Harvey Mason
Bob James, Nathan East, Larry Carlton & Harvery Mason
My first poster for the Gallo Center
Central Valley Music Group's  first concert
production at The Gallo Center For The
Arts.  It was a sell out show for these
legendary men of Jazz.  It was great
meeting them and they put on a fantastic
show, at one point Larry Carlton broke
into the intro for "Lala" by Eric Clapton.  I
didn't know it at the time but Nathan East
has played in Clapton's band for 20
years.  After the Show Roman told me that
Larry had never played that before during
a show and wanted to surprise Nathan.  
All in all it was a great  show.

I won this CD on the KRVR 105.5
and Natrhan signed it for me after
the show.
Copyright © 2009 David Jon Foster
All Rights Reserved