David Jon Foster Studio
Richard Smith's  LA Chillharmonic
The LA Chillharmonic plays the Whitmore Mansion
Richard Smith
Greg Adams and Michael Paulo
Ricard Smith, Greg Adams, Michael Paulo and Brian Bromgurg
Richard Smith, Greg Adams and Michael Paulo
Michael Paulo
Greg Karukas and Richard Smith
This was my first show working for the Central Valley
Music Group and my first time at the Whitmore
Mansion.  It was a fantastic show on a warm August
night.  My good friends Travis Vega and Levi Huffman
teamed up to open this show and they were
sensational as well.  Unfortunately for me I had to
leave right after it ended and I missed the after party
and so I got no autographs or CD's  :(

CVMG Logo by David Jon Foster
Copyright © 2008 David Jon Foster
All Rights Reserved