David Jon Foster Studio
Michael Paulo
Michael Paulo with Peter White in the
Crepevine courtyard spring 2005
Michael Paulo in the Crepevine
courtyard spring 2005
Michael Paulo in the Crepevine
courtyard spring 2005
Michael Paulo plays the Gold Room of the
Hotel Lodi with Mombo spring 2005
This CD is from a show we did in the Crepe Vine
court yard.  Michael plays the sax beautifully and with
great passion.  He also has this mini sax with a
cordless mic that he took out in to the audience and
played.  It was like a festival atmosphere and the
audience  loved it.  My favorite song of his is
Millennium Swing, Sounds like jazzy 2001 Space
odyssey.  Michael is super friendly and I hope to work
with him again in the future.  Oh yea, you can ad
chauffeur to my resume cause I ended up having to
drive to Modesto to pick him up at the Hotel.  
Copyright © 2005 David Jon Foster
All Rights Reserved