David Jon Foster Studio
Peter White
Wow, the smooth jazz legend himself.  
Peter was at the top of the rock charts
with Al Stewart when I first heard his
music in sixth and seventh grade.  Now
I get to talk to him like he's my next
door neighbor. One time during a show
Peter let go with a little Jimmy Hendrix
improv cover and my jaw just dropped.  
Peter is very friendly cool and laid
back.  This is one of my favorite CD's
of Peters and Ive given it as a gift
many times. -djf
This was another great performance
by Peter, He played with Micheal
Paulo, Mombo and Levi Huffman.  After
the show we all sat down to a great
home cooked meal by Kim.  My
paintings were on display at Mombos
then.  Peter really liked "Wonderland"
and asked me to send him a picture of
it. -djf    
Peter White courtyard show, Mombos  2005
Peter White and Michael Paulo 2005
Peter White and Levi Huffman 2005
Mombo, Peter White and Michael Palo in the courtyard 2004
Peter White in the courtyard 2004
David Jon Foster and Peter White, Gold
Room Hotel Lodi 2005
Copyright © 2004 David Jon Foster
All Rights Reserved