These picture are some of the only ones salvaged from some damaged film. The concert was dark and i was using
film at the time. I did a lot of Steve O. concerts before I started taking still shots. These were taken at sound check.
Notes from my journal I was keeping at the time.
Well here is the new CD from Steve and it is fantastic
as usual. His release party at Mombo's was terrific.
He played his new hit "Chips and Salsa" of course and
it sounded great (and not just because me and john
were doing sound). Half way through Steve went into
the audience and had some fans sing a few lines.
Levi was there and he even sang a line or two. The
musical high point for me this evening was a striped
down cover of the Doors song "Light my fire". This
was just Steve, his guitar and Mombo doing the
percussion. Steve's singing was so heartfelt... I don't
really know how to describe it. This was a very
powerful and emotional rendition and I was totally
impressed. I was shooting video that night, maybe
some day I can run a link to play it here for you. Oh,
and I must mention the wonderful Mexican dinner from
Mombo and family, Thanks you guys!!!

My first show as roadie/sound
man/videographer was at the Crocker
Art Museum in Sacramento. Steve is a
fantastic guitarist, entertainer and all
around nice guy. This release should
have got Steve best new jazz musician
of the year, its that good. His follow-up
CD "Positive Energy" was even better.
Ive seen Steve five times and I'm going
to make it six at the CD release party
this month.
Copyright © 2004 David Jon Foster All Rights Reserved